Hard Work Only Gets You So Far

Managers, individuals who lead, are not just dedicated hard working individuals like everyone else. Managers are able to differentiate between hard work and efficient work, between productivity and efficiency. In order to continue working hard, individuals need to become more efficient and adapt to the surrounding environment. If not, these individuals find themselves at a…

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Build Networks While Everyone Else Looks For Work.

Well into my second year at the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University I had noticed a common occurrence, a pattern of sort. The observation spoke much about some students in university and the idea that familiarity is best. Familiarity is not best and I will explain what I mean. Social Capital, which…

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King of Your Domain Attitude

What is “king of your domain attitude” ? When discussing personal attacks, Pierre Elliot Trudeau Canadian prime minister once mentioned briefly how some people have a totalitarian mindset. I wanted to elaborate on this concept. I labeled it as “king of your domain attitude”, which defines those individuals who are totalitarian in mind, who disregard…

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  Many people like to call themselves leaders as if such a title should be bestowed upon them. People feel that they have earned or are deserving of such a title, but most are at a misconception. The majority of individuals are not and cannot be effective leaders because their definition of leadership is distorted.…

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